Thursday, 20 January 2011

a rude arrival

RUDE* is a collective of designers & photographers coming together (no pun) to create nights, merch, art, videos and anything to excite people, starting off with the students of cheltenham. We put together our first night on monday 17th january at boogie lounge, thanks to everyone that came. We filled capacity by 12am, had to open up another room, then filled that by 1am. BIG UP crack magazine, our sponsor, the last two issues were given out & next time we'll have the new issue TEN to give out with hopefully your photographs featured. We gave out disposable cameras on the night so that it was shown from your point of view, best photos (announced soon) get free entry/some drinks next time. Same applies to the cock drawings using our cock-a-doodle sets we supplied on the night, some really fucked up people. All our ears were blessed by the music of vincent, &YMBMFDD and the great bhashka le rat from Bristol. We gave out two bottles worth of shots which got grabbed up as soon as people realised they were free (we'll buy more next time). We had a great night, hopefully you all did too, sorry to those that didn't get in, come next time which will be February 14th. Here's some photographs of the night:

if you'd like to see all of the disposable photographs click here & for all the photographs taken by our photographer DEAN JODE click here.

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